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About Primewood

Northern hardwood manufacturer

Over the past 30 years, Primewood has built itself a front-line reputation as a Northern hardwood manufacturer.

Our Mission: Go above and beyond for our clients by simplifying their lumber purchases.

Our current production : 37 000 000 board feet

The main species we produce are
  • Hard Maple
  • White Oak
  • Red Oak
  • Black Walnut
  • Cherry
  • White Ash
  • Soft Maple
  • Yellow Birch


We also offer smaller volumes of Red Elm, Aspen, Basswood, Hickory and Yellow Poplar. We saw and dry various thicknesses (4/4 up to 16/4 in certain species). Our products are sold across the globe in more than 35 different countries.

Primewood – A Cut Above Expectations

Prime manufacturer and distributor of

North American Hardwood
See lumber product